Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Dear John, it's over. P.S. I love you.

I have to admit before I start I haven't seen either of those films, nor any romantic drama's, and I know they don't include anything like what I'm talking about, but it's a funny headline. Unfortuntely, I have seen more than my fair share of rom-coms.

All I have to say on the matter though is there's a fine line between romantic and stalker... sending flowers to a girl who swore never to speak to you again, slightly romantic apology... hunting her down, begging her to take you back and trying to make her take you back... stalking.

I just once would like to see this portrayed on screen, I mean, imagine it - some bloke makes a big romantic gesture, like mowing the grass in the words 'I'm so sorry, I love you' and is arrested and served with a restraining order.... that provides more comedy than any rom-com I have ever seen... bar, possibly 'I love you Philip Morris' which I reccommend seeing as it's quirky, unusual and surprisingly hilarious... and if you still want a happy ending, or to make people cry, here's an idea, she finds a better guy, with a dog, they marry, have kids, the dog dies, ker-ching! all bases covered.

Just a thought.

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