Thursday, 13 May 2010

The meaning of life is to find meaning in life...

This needs to be said, and I have nowhere to say it other than here.

I've changed. I still have feelings for Giulia, always will, but I'm actually happy for her, genuinely supportive of her relationship, and that's because of something she said the other day.

She said that she was trying to be supportive of other girls in my life, like Katie (which isn't a relationship, but a story for another time anyway...) because they stand more chance then she does.

That got me thinking, the girl still has feelings for me, but right now the distance and our lives make it impossible for us to have any kind of relationship other than friendship. If we end up together it will be a loooooong time in the future, on firmer foundations, and if we never do then it simply wasn't meant to be.

And if she can be so supportive and encouraging despite still wanting me a little, then I can at least have the courtesy to do the same. So I am. I wish them both the best of luck, and he makes her happy so he's not the evil backstabbing thieving bastard I've been calling him all this time :p

So it's goodbye from me, and it's goodbye from him...

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Sam Fisher - better than Bond

What to talk about.... Politics? That would just wind me up. Counselling? Haven't been yet. Giulia? Been there, done that, annoyed people who actually read this :p

So how about Splinter Cell? It is amazing. The problem is that my wonderful xbox decided the data was corrupt when I was most of the way through the storyline, so I have had to restart the whole thing. Not happy. On the positive side, I still have all my weapons and upgrades, and the skills, which were already enhanced due to playing all the previous games, have now got even better.

If it happens again, I'm gunna kill somebody. But I need to cut this short, the dog has just moved off my legs so I can go eat. Byee.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

A guide to parenting... from a single guy who doesn't want kids for another 5-10 years :p

Okay, so had a word with Tony and with mam... told her that she can't control every aspect of our lives and she has to let go at some point.

I don't think she's going to take it well, but I'm sick of the woman trying to prevent us making her mistakes. It's natural to want to protect us from pain, but I have felt pain, lot of it recently, and I honestly believe it has made me a stronger and better person. I don't think anybody should be denied that right.

We're going to make our own mistakes, and we'll learn from them, and we'll try to prevent our kids from making those same mistakes. But at the end of the day, they'll be just as likely to make those mistakes and learn from them. We're stronger than our parents think, and they're afraid of that because it makes them feel we no longer need them. Maybe there will be a day when we don't need them, but if they've raised us right there won't be a day when we don't want them.

Follow your instincts, you do know what is best for yourself, and maybe you do know what's best for your children, but that doesn't mean they're going to listen. And when they don't, be there for them, help them recover for the next big mistake, and that way they will likely always come back to you.

Just a thought.

Monday, 10 May 2010


What to talk about.... well, there's not a lot really. Life is continuing, as it always has, and I'm just along for the ride right now.

It's fun to see it from an outside perspective, even when it's my own life. Everything seems to be falling into place and I'm actually happy. I haven't even seen the counsellor yet, so that's something to look forward to. don't worry, I'll tell you all about it when it happens, unlike Iron Man which I cba to review, it was amazing, go see it, I'm not about to put all my hard work and attention into something that only a few people will read and that will be relevant to only 2 of them tops. If I wanted to do that I'd write for the Sun.

Still, I would like to take this time to find out who actually reads this. So here goes. For the next week I'll give you each ... 3 questions to ask, which I must answer and do so truthfully. Should be interesting, open book that I am, if you don't ask I never tell.

C'mon then, try me, but don't say I didn't warn you, a lot of you won't like the answers :p