Thursday, 13 May 2010

The meaning of life is to find meaning in life...

This needs to be said, and I have nowhere to say it other than here.

I've changed. I still have feelings for Giulia, always will, but I'm actually happy for her, genuinely supportive of her relationship, and that's because of something she said the other day.

She said that she was trying to be supportive of other girls in my life, like Katie (which isn't a relationship, but a story for another time anyway...) because they stand more chance then she does.

That got me thinking, the girl still has feelings for me, but right now the distance and our lives make it impossible for us to have any kind of relationship other than friendship. If we end up together it will be a loooooong time in the future, on firmer foundations, and if we never do then it simply wasn't meant to be.

And if she can be so supportive and encouraging despite still wanting me a little, then I can at least have the courtesy to do the same. So I am. I wish them both the best of luck, and he makes her happy so he's not the evil backstabbing thieving bastard I've been calling him all this time :p

So it's goodbye from me, and it's goodbye from him...

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