Wednesday, 22 September 2010

You don't have to be mad to work here, but if you are you're fired...

I just heard something very interesting... According to the mental health act, if you've been sanctioned even once you cannot work in the public sector.

I'm sorry, but one little breakdown and suddenly you're public enemy numbers one to thirty? Even though you have been released and are therefore no longer deemed a threat to yourself or others? Bullshit!

This country has gone to shit; hi Mr. convicted paedophile, you were just released from prison because it's overcrowded and your crime was deemed a minor offence? Certainly we have a job for you, how about ice cream man? School bus driver? Lollipop man? Oh, I see you once stopped your car at a green light, got out and screamed... sorry, we'll hide you in the back of a dark factory or office where you can enjoy the most tedious work ever and we'll let your friends and neighbours know you were once a loony, so you'll be persecuted, become depressed and have another breakdown, but don't worry, you're on the sex offenders register, although your crimes are hidden and you're given a new identity to protect you.

I swear this is really pissing me off, I have depression, which has been classed as a mental illness and if it were to just get to me suddenly and I flipped, I would never be allowed either of my dream jobs as bartending and counselling are both majorly public sector. But if I were to murder somebody in full consciousness, I'd be out in 15 years max and given a job or at least able to get one as soon as thanks to the parole, which is more than I get right now while looking for a job...

There's another thing actually, everywhere I apply for says they need experience, but how do they think we get experience? And all these temporary Christmas jobs are given to 14 year olds because they're cheaper to hire, who have no experience, no enthusiasm and no idea what to do but are cheap and so can be hired over me any day.

Oh well, enough of this ranting, I'm starting to ... something, idk. Byee.

Monday, 20 September 2010

To be continued....

I need to write in this more, but the laptop has been fucking up a lot, loose connection, hopefully it's gunna be fixed today at some point.

Anyway, I can't think of anything to write right now, yet I haven't gone 5 mins without thinking I need to blog something since I've been unable to.

I remember wanting to complain about a lot of things, ads, tv, America... not that I'm prejudice, I hate everybody equally.

I also wanted to talk about good things that I like... Halo Reach, for example, has a lot of good points... some bad points ofc.

I've not actually wanted to blog about Katie moving in, which is strange, I do't feel a need to write about the big things in my life but I love just ranting about the tiny unimportant things? But who wants to really tell people they know their innermost thoughts on their life? Plus I don't know my own innermost thoughts, never do, just keep going with what makes me happy.

That's another thing I wanted to discuss - life's too short. And now I've been interrupted, and when I come back I'll have forgotten what I was talking about, and even if I do remember, anything relevant or funny will have gone from my mind, so I won't subject you to that crap, I'll update later when I have something... after a shower usually.
