Saturday, 24 April 2010

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing...

Batman rules. Of all the comic book heroes he is by far the greatest. So why is it DC hasn't created a single other character worth mentioning?

Blade. Wolverine. Professor X. Spiderman. Iron Man. Nick Fury. Ghost Rider. Daredevil. Electra. And that's just the heroes. The villains were cool as hell too, and yet nothing compared to those of the Batman universe. Well... maybe fighting the devil was kinda cool, but still...

I recently bought the game of the year edition of Arkham Asylum, and loved it. The detail for even minor fans of Batman is incredible.

So what went wrong? Where did DC find such an amazing resource, and why didn't Stan Lee think of it first? :p

I can't wait for the sequel now, and I'm cutting this short coz Amy Pond is on the tv.


Friday, 23 April 2010

Aces low...

Just had possibly the worst poker night ever... but I cba to talk about it. I'm tired, cold, depressed and not in the mood to do much of anything really. Today was a good day, but I guess even on the best of days you can turn. Sorry it's so short, and hopefully I can think of a witty title for this thing...


Wednesday, 21 April 2010

SPOILER ALERT: Suicidal thoughts ahead...

So, side effects of these new tablets... dry mouth, got it, trouble sleeping, had that since I was about 7, impotence, reduced sex drive and performance... I'm 20, there is no amount of tablets to mess with my sex drive, and I have never had a problem with impotence... usually too potent ;p ... sorry.

Basically I've suffered most of the possible side effects, including insomnia and drowsiness.. weird, but somehow managed it, :p

The part that worries me is the suicidal thoughts. Apparently I can expect those to come along every once in a while, if they persist I should see the doc, but only if it lasts more than a few days. Lovely.

I got those today. I have never been suicidal... well, once, under the influence of depression at an early stage of treatment. But I'd never even considered it, in fact I always used to say I'd die by gunshot to the head, possibly from myself, but only through Russian Roulette, not because I wanted to kill myself.

And let me tell you, because I used to throw off suicide talk as attention seeking, when those thoughts come to you and you genuinely start to consider it, thinking about how to do it, how to make it so that the people you care about don't get so hurt and don't suffer so much through your actions, all the pros and cons... that scares you. And you had better hope to God that fear stops you. Because otherwise you might just go through with it.

Sorry this was so real, I'll make the next 1 more lighthearted, promise :p

Quick review... Don't know why :p

I want to get AVP for the 360 asap. I've played it, loved it, but there's a biiiiig problem.

I played as the alien first. Bad move, because the Alien is the best character in the whole game. It feels incredible playing as it, where the humans are boring and have limited skills, and the predator has cool weapons and upgrades, but the alien has stealth, speed, and some of the most amazing moves seen in any video game.

So if anyone is thinking of getting it, I recommend marines, predator, then alien, if you want to finish the story completely, otherwise you'll get hooked on the 5 alien levels.


Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Broken hearts, torn up letters and the story of a lonely girl...

I'm torn. I find it hard to pour my heart out on here, but I should. I also like the posts where I critique films and tv and books. I'm torn as to which I should go for each time I post.

I don't want to burden this thing with my every pathetic thought, especially since I read them back and realise I don't think that anymore, and that it just sounds childish. I made this as an outlet, but I also wanted to test out my entertainment value on an audience, which pointless whining about heartache and resentment doesn't entertain anybody.

So here's a review with a difference. It's a review of me.

As a person, Stephen Robert Bosher is arrogant, sarcastic, cocky and clearly feels superior to most mere mortals. However, that is only the exterior. Inside he is a seething mass of hate and pain, combined with empathy and a naive need for everybody to be happy.

As a counsellor he lacks the ability to see the flaws in others, to the extent where he trust every word the other part says, even if in his heart he knows it to be a lie.

As a friend... well, this is where he actually shines. He is compassionate to a fault, makes people feel at ease when divulging their inner secrets to him, and supports his friends even if he doesn't completely agree with their choices. His word is his bond, his loyalty true, and he often provides both sides of an argument at once, giving an outsiders perspective of a problem, while at the same time acknowledging the points made by the individual.

So, to sum up, he is a walking contradiction, with only one real use, and that is when a friend needs advice, to rant, or just a shoulder to cry on. This makes him both valuable and an idiot.

Monday, 19 April 2010

See you on that sunny day...

Watching House, an amazing episode, no patients, no disease to fight, just complete focus on the characters... anyway, while watching that I realised, we are all broken.

I pride myself on admitting that there is a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde side of me, as with everyone. But that's not completely true. We all have a Mr. Hyde, named because it usually remains hidden by us, only to be unleashed in the right situation. Mine also stays hidden.

This is my outlet, and yet I even lie to it. Why? Because I'm afraid of saying the things about me that make me feel ashamed aloud, or even typing them, because that might make them real.

I'm not the only one who is broken, there are some people out there, some who are close to me even, who have had bigger problems in their life and it's affected their actions, and had an impact on their lives. Not always a bad thing.

I haven't had anything like that happen to me. Nothing major. And yet I'm screwed up inside. I keep my emotions bottled up, and if you've read this blog from the start, or even just read 2 or 3 of these posts, you'll know I have major issues in how I see the world, interact with it and deal with things. None of us are normal, hell, you have either nothing better to do so you chose to read this, or you genuinely want an insight into my world, both of which qualify you for abnormality :p

We all have our own way of looking at things, and nobody has the perfect way for every scenario, so we all hurt ourselves and others at one time or another. Like it or not, the human race is beyond repair. I've said for long enough we are not a great species, and now I have more evidence.


Forget the flowers, because the flowers never last forever...

And so it's come to this... Sitting in the dark feeling cold and utterly depressed because of a song? Don't you hate when break-ups ruin some of your fav songs?

It happened with Emma, who was my first real crush, it happened with Kirsty who I also had a crush on, and now Giulia who was so much more than a crush, but I can't say it was love. It felt like it, but it felt like that with the others. I may feel something deeper and I'll call that love, or I may never feel it again, in which case I'll call what I had love. And I am so glad I experienced it, either way.

I might not broadcast my emotions in person. Hell, I might not even show them most of the time. But that doesn't mean I don't have them. That doesn't mean they don't eat away at me inside, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

And yet, I wouldn't change it for the world. This build up of raw emotion inside of me makes me a formidable opponent in a debate, gives me a passion when talking in general and gives me a fiery temper when people piss me off. Haven't had a chance to test that out fully yet, nobody seems to want to piss of a depressed psycho with a flare for eccentricity and a history of apathy.... Can't imagine why :p

So, look out world, because I will only get so much worse with age and experience. And I can't wait to test drive this and every future new me.


Sunday, 18 April 2010

In space no one can hear you scream... down here, no one will help if you do

As most of you will know I am a total sci-fi geek. And movie/tv addict. This means that when it comes to a pub quiz I'm a valuable asset, but other than that my uncanny knowledge will not go to much use. But still, everyone needs a passion.

Which is why I couldn't resist the full AVP box set. Especially when I found the same box set without AVP2 right next to it for £30 in the sale, while the 1 I got was £15 in that same sale and only £34.99 at full price. I wasn't gunna point out their mistakes.

I also bought Dead Until Dark - the first Sookie Stackhouse book which True Blood is based on. Review pending until I've finished reading, but so far, and I'm only a chapter in, it's quite a book.

Basically, I love mythology, always have, and that is all sci-fi, fantasy, comic books and the supernatural comes down to. It creates a world of its own, with its own characters, species and rules.

I even plan to create my own reality, and one day I will. Until then all the info I can get will help, and I'll soon know enough about the subject to beat those Doctor Who and Cluedo games on the ITboxes :p

Hell is other people...

I promised you a bitter rant and here it is.

Instead of taking the metro, we took the bus, which is uncomfortable, stops every 2 mins, and when people leave the windows open freezing as soon as it picks up a little speed.

This was at 12ish, even though I'd been up at 8, showered, dressed and left to be at Mawstons for 10. I got there to find that he'd had a phone call, or rang them up, I'm not sure which, but it was 3 mins before I got there, and he'd been told that they had forgotten about a driving lesson, so wouldn't be ready until 10 to 12 at the earliest.

True, me and Mawston could've headed out then and there, and I tried to convince him to until I was sucked into leverage, which unfortunately was the last ep of the series, what a time to come into it. It's good though, and by the time it finished we didn't have long to wait for them, so I came home to get something to eat, having skipped breakfast so I wasn't late.

Anyway, we finally got there, Ben having spent a lot of time in Newcastle wanted to take us to the area full of pubs for something to eat and to start the drinking off. But no, that's not good enough for someone... and because everybody is so obsessed with keeping that bitch happy, she gets her way, and we trail all the way down to the riverside for a place that looks beautiful, but is sooooo pretentious.

After a meal of tiny portions for them and a couple of whiskies for me (Johnny Walker Black, tastes great, but tasted pretty watered down in there) we decided to pay up. Now, the reason we were here is because it was meant to be 'very reasonably priced' according to somebody, who never paid herself, but her nanna did.... this is a woman who bought the girl in question a horse when she was little, so reasonably priced for her meant £60 for the meal and drinks. It was just a snack! My drinks came to £7.10, for 2 drinks? I could get 3 at least in most places and still have change from that.

After another walk back, which took over 20 mins, that's 20 mins drinking time I missed out on, we reached another place. I liked this pub, it had cheap drinks and an itbox with Doctor Who quiz on. I got to prove my incredible ability to know completely useless things, much to the amazement of the others, so that was fun.

Then off to another pub for more drinks and quiz machines, then to a quiet place without much entertainment, then... well, that was basically the rest of the day, spent going to random pubs and strange places. I did get to go to hmv and get a few things, so not totally a wasted day. But it could'v been so much better.

Too long? I know. Byee.