Sunday, 18 April 2010

Hell is other people...

I promised you a bitter rant and here it is.

Instead of taking the metro, we took the bus, which is uncomfortable, stops every 2 mins, and when people leave the windows open freezing as soon as it picks up a little speed.

This was at 12ish, even though I'd been up at 8, showered, dressed and left to be at Mawstons for 10. I got there to find that he'd had a phone call, or rang them up, I'm not sure which, but it was 3 mins before I got there, and he'd been told that they had forgotten about a driving lesson, so wouldn't be ready until 10 to 12 at the earliest.

True, me and Mawston could've headed out then and there, and I tried to convince him to until I was sucked into leverage, which unfortunately was the last ep of the series, what a time to come into it. It's good though, and by the time it finished we didn't have long to wait for them, so I came home to get something to eat, having skipped breakfast so I wasn't late.

Anyway, we finally got there, Ben having spent a lot of time in Newcastle wanted to take us to the area full of pubs for something to eat and to start the drinking off. But no, that's not good enough for someone... and because everybody is so obsessed with keeping that bitch happy, she gets her way, and we trail all the way down to the riverside for a place that looks beautiful, but is sooooo pretentious.

After a meal of tiny portions for them and a couple of whiskies for me (Johnny Walker Black, tastes great, but tasted pretty watered down in there) we decided to pay up. Now, the reason we were here is because it was meant to be 'very reasonably priced' according to somebody, who never paid herself, but her nanna did.... this is a woman who bought the girl in question a horse when she was little, so reasonably priced for her meant £60 for the meal and drinks. It was just a snack! My drinks came to £7.10, for 2 drinks? I could get 3 at least in most places and still have change from that.

After another walk back, which took over 20 mins, that's 20 mins drinking time I missed out on, we reached another place. I liked this pub, it had cheap drinks and an itbox with Doctor Who quiz on. I got to prove my incredible ability to know completely useless things, much to the amazement of the others, so that was fun.

Then off to another pub for more drinks and quiz machines, then to a quiet place without much entertainment, then... well, that was basically the rest of the day, spent going to random pubs and strange places. I did get to go to hmv and get a few things, so not totally a wasted day. But it could'v been so much better.

Too long? I know. Byee.

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