Saturday, 24 April 2010

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing...

Batman rules. Of all the comic book heroes he is by far the greatest. So why is it DC hasn't created a single other character worth mentioning?

Blade. Wolverine. Professor X. Spiderman. Iron Man. Nick Fury. Ghost Rider. Daredevil. Electra. And that's just the heroes. The villains were cool as hell too, and yet nothing compared to those of the Batman universe. Well... maybe fighting the devil was kinda cool, but still...

I recently bought the game of the year edition of Arkham Asylum, and loved it. The detail for even minor fans of Batman is incredible.

So what went wrong? Where did DC find such an amazing resource, and why didn't Stan Lee think of it first? :p

I can't wait for the sequel now, and I'm cutting this short coz Amy Pond is on the tv.


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