Friday, 30 April 2010

Always the bridesmaid... still, at least I look good in a dress :p

And it happened again... 2nd time in a month, and also the 2nd time in... at least 6 years.

I cried last night. I hate it, even though I know 'it's a good way to release built up emotion, it's healthy, it's alright' I still don't like it.

What set me off? A fucking mistake. I asked what she liked about me meaning in general, she said nothing because she thought I meant as a boyfriend. I already know that I'm never gunna find a girl I like who likes me back, unlikely to find a single girl who likes me in that way at all. But when I suddenly felt that there was nothing about me to like even for friends, I felt so hopeless.

It was corrected later, and she told me the reason most people don't like me is probably because I am me, I don't follow trends or try to fit in. Maybe she's right, I have no idea, but that's besides the point.

I realise I may not be a great person, but I had always prided myself on being a good friend. I guess it got to me... but it's over now. And since this blog is supposed to be my own private and personal things that are on my mind I figured I should post it. I'm not looking for feedback this time, nor sympathy, so please keep any 'awww, mate's you have to yourself.

That's all for now.

P.S. I have the music to Luigis' mansion in my head, and I haven't even played it for years... how does that even happen?

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

The song remains the same...

Yes, it's that time again. Time for another rant about nothing from everybodys least fav grumpy old git.

What is there left to complain about? Well, I was thinking, since I voted the other day that maybe I'd put a political twist on this.

Then I realised nobody cares. I also realised that I'm becoming a cliche.

I sit around watching tv and grumbling to myself about all the happy couples on there, and all those fuckers in films who do something almost meaningless and suddenly the girl of their dreams is with them again. There are some exceptions, and watching guys who are completely crushed by seeing their best friend on a regular basis being happy with someone else isn't exactly great tv, but it's at least relatable.

Still, all the memories between us, as painful as they are, and as much as it gets to me, I refuse to let anything get to me. It's slowly getting easier... I think... I hope...

Anyway, I need more than anything to sort my life out, which is not easy at all. I'm going to start taking action, and this time I mean it, a half hour a day. It's going to be hard, but I will do it, I have to do it, anyone wanna join me for a little walk tomorrow? Giulia? Katie Kat? Or anybody living close enough for it not to take a train/ plane? :p

I'll let you know when I fail and fuck up coz I'm too lazy, doubt I'll even start.


Oh, and....

Vote Labour!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

If Rooney and Beckham can do it, you should be able to...

I have never understood it....

sports video games.... can somebody please explain it to me?

I don't mean martial arts and other fighting games, but football, rugby, tennis, golf, etc.

I mean, to me, video games are about living out fantasies that you could never manage in reality... And that includes war games, as it's not easy to ensure the army will take you and give you the weapons you want.

Golf you can play, tennis too, football and rugby, and 90% of the other sports released as a game. If you're too lazy to play it in person, then watch it on tv, but don't play it on tv!

I blame lazy Americans, they want to be sport stars but don't have the energy to actually do anything about it. Well stop ruining my video games! I understand the appeal of lips, rock band, guitar hero and those kinds of things, and Halo, COD, etc. I might not love them, but I don't see any real reason to get rid of them. Sports games I do see a reason.

Stop the laziness, get off your fat arse and learn to play the game for real, it's better for you! .... Racing games are okay.

Oh, and I would get rid of all video games if I could be Batman or Sam Fisher, but that ain't gunna happen :p

Monday, 26 April 2010

You think you've woken up with someone bad....

So it's summer. A time when all the insects come out to play. In fact, I think in the past week I've seen more spiders than through the whole of last year.

Anyway, this morning I woke up, read more dead until dark, turned over to grab my shirt and realised I wasn't the only one in my bed.

A fairly small, curled up, dead spider was lying right next to me... missing 2 legs, which I wound lying not far from the body. I'm no CSI, but I'm pretty sure legs don't just fall off, and if I'd lay on it then it'd have been flatter. So I assume it died of natural causes and crawled into bed with me so it wouldn't die alone, poor thing.

It's now in the bin :p

A letter to Mary Whitehouse...

Dear P.C. Brigade,

I have a request. Please keep doing what you're doing, complaining about every little incident, every word that could possibly offend 1 lonely old woman sitting at home all day with nothing better to do than get upset about something she happened to see by accident between the time Countdown finishes and the time she switches over for the Weakest Link.

However, if you could complain without actually changing anything, that would be perfect.

Because the problem I have is we can't say anything these days without apparently offending somebody. And if that's the case then why do we deny anybody from saying or doing anything. We don't seem to be allowed to do or say anything these days without 3 million complaints. And lets face it, 3 million complaints is nothing compared to the 15 million people across the world at least who would actually find it funny.

Where is my proof? Well, lets have a look... Porridge, Monty Python, The Two Ronnies, Fawlty Towers, Blackadder, and at least another 30 or 40 classic British sitcoms have been edited when shown again on tv. And why? Because they made a lot of jokes that now would not be acceptable. Watch them. All I have to say is watch them, and you will have moments where you say 'oh, you could't get away with that now, but God it's funny.'

So, by all means complain, comedians need religion, health and safety and a nanny state to satirise, but if you could do it without making people take you seriously, I would really be deeply in your debt.

Thank you, you bunch of whining, moaning, useless, boring, annoying and utterly fucking pointless bastards.

Yours.... etc.

P.S. I don't condone what Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand did, but I don't want them censored. And 'cunt' is just a word, shouldn't be censored either. Ironically it's a very good word to describe anybody who actually complained about anything they saw, read, heard or were otherwise exposed to and 'offended' by.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

If we're both single by the time we're 40...

I recently decided to make one of these pacts with Jim. Maybe you've heard of them, they seem to be very popular in the media, particularly on tv shows.

Anyway, if we're both single by the time we're 40 I've agreed to take a shotgun to his face and then turn the gun on myself. He doesn't know, btw, so shhhh.

P.S. Katie Kat, I'm not really gunna shoot myself, don't worry. I might shoot Jim though :p

P.P.S. I had to throw the P.S. in coz she's Scottish, and claims that's the reason she doesn't understand half of what I say. I think it's just that nobody understands half of what I say, but who knows? :D