Friday, 30 April 2010

Always the bridesmaid... still, at least I look good in a dress :p

And it happened again... 2nd time in a month, and also the 2nd time in... at least 6 years.

I cried last night. I hate it, even though I know 'it's a good way to release built up emotion, it's healthy, it's alright' I still don't like it.

What set me off? A fucking mistake. I asked what she liked about me meaning in general, she said nothing because she thought I meant as a boyfriend. I already know that I'm never gunna find a girl I like who likes me back, unlikely to find a single girl who likes me in that way at all. But when I suddenly felt that there was nothing about me to like even for friends, I felt so hopeless.

It was corrected later, and she told me the reason most people don't like me is probably because I am me, I don't follow trends or try to fit in. Maybe she's right, I have no idea, but that's besides the point.

I realise I may not be a great person, but I had always prided myself on being a good friend. I guess it got to me... but it's over now. And since this blog is supposed to be my own private and personal things that are on my mind I figured I should post it. I'm not looking for feedback this time, nor sympathy, so please keep any 'awww, mate's you have to yourself.

That's all for now.

P.S. I have the music to Luigis' mansion in my head, and I haven't even played it for years... how does that even happen?

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