Sunday, 1 August 2010

Wit, charm, chrisma... just three of the things I've lost.. oh, and coherency

Hmm.... Pretty sure everyone I know hates me for one reason or another right now. Well, hate is a strong word, they're all pissed off with me... nearly all of them.

I'm finding it hard to care though. I am me, they knew what they signed up for and if they don't like it then fuck em, they don't have to even associate with me. Personally I'm gunna try and turn my life around over the next few weeks, and until I do so I don't even like myself, so you lot sure as hell don't need to.

I want to apologise to you all if I've upset any of you, but at the end of the day I never claimed to be nice... far from it actually, and nobody believed how much of a complete bastard I could be. Bet they do now.

Oh, and sorry this is fractured, but my thoughts aren't exactly clear right now, I'm tired and just recovered from my hangover not long ago. Plus my arm is going dead.

Anyway, lets lighten the mood a little, here's a dancing kitten for you.... only kidding. I think the only way to lighten the mood, other than with sarcasm which apparently hurts more than when I'm being bluntly honest... or honestly blunt... but the only other way to lighten things up is by removing me from the equation.

The depression has hit hard this past week, but I'll be back to my old self in no time I hope... Until then, keep your distance, unless you're willing to let me suck the life out of any convo we have :p


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