Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Election fever has swept the nation... wonder if H1N1 helps with that too...

Since the election is drawing to a close, I thought I'd offer my opinion of the candidates.

It seems that most people are voting for the Lib Dems, and that's better than the Tories, but personally I think that it has become less about policies and more about popularity. I have to admit, I couldn't tell you half the policies, but I have a general level of info about each.

Now for the fun part, the opinion of the party leaders.

Firstly, Gordon Brown, a man who is currently in charge and, as far as I can tell, too busy running the country to be a media whore like Cameron and Clegg. I'm surprised he's had time for half of the shows he's actually done, but not surprised that he hasn't had a lot of change to go out campaigning. The country is in trouble, the parties are united on that, and Brown is trying to fix it, but not promising he can make everything alright overnight at least.

Clegg. This is a man who, until a week ago I didn't even know existed. Last time I checked Ming Campbell was in charge. At least with him I wouldn't mind the Lib Dems running the country, he'd not even realise he was in charge so can't have used it for his own reasons, which I'm sure Nick Clegg has ulterior motives, he's just so well hidden not to. Plus, Ming would've been dead from shock if they ever got into power, so his policies were at least meant to serve others. And to top it all, he was easily recognisable... admittedly because he looked like the Crypt Keepers Great Grandfather, sat in a comfy chair waiting for his relatives to visit, but still... If I walked past the generic looking Clegg in the street I wouldn't even notice. Plus he is sooooo smarmy that he's basically Cameron lite.

Finally, David Cameron, the illegitimate love child of Maggie Thatcher and Michael Winner. He oozes upper class, arrogance, pretentiousness and a false sense of superiority. He oozes in general. This is a man who has sunk so low that he actually uses the death of his son for a sympathy vote. I really don't like the man, so I'll end this here in order to save my energy for something more useful.

So those are my opinions, you're not only choosing policies and parties, you're choosing a single man to be the face of this country, which would you rather have represent you? I know who I'm backing.

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