I'm writing this last thing and then never gunna bother you again, promise.
I'm using it as an excuse to get down everything in 1 go, so I can start anew.
First, you were right, I do need time and space away from you to get over you, a week was never gunna be enough. Sorry I didn't realise it at the time and tried to keep you around on the insane notion I could get you back.
Second, he's a good guy, and I hope it works with you both, I'm sure he'll help you get over your issues with relationships, so good luck.
Third, I'm finally ready to move on. The best way I can explain is using the 5 stages of grief, which you're not dead, but the relationship is, so I think it's a good enough comparison.
Denial - Oh, boy there was a lot of that. Denied you were closed off, denied you weren't happy, denied it wouldn't work between us, denied we needed time apart and mostly denied if we broke up, didn't talk for a while, that we'd lose our connection and our friendship would die... think that was the worst one.
Anger - Ah, who can forget the fights at 5am when you came back from his, even before we broke up. I was bitter... I don't like that about me... oh well.
Bargaining - I can't believe I begged you for sex and friendship, my God... But, my only defence is insanity, love makes you do crazy things.
Depression - Lets not go there :p You're one of the main reasons I'm on stronger tablets.
And finally acceptance. I'm ready to begin the long and painful process of getting over you. But it probably won't take too long, I mean I'm young, dumb and full of... well, you know the saying. I'll bounce back sooner than you'd think.
Anyway, thanks for everything, and sorry for it. Don't feel guilty, I told you before it would do it again in a heartbeat... probably the same way, because that's who I am. Maybe in a year or 10 we can get in touch, and if we still click then I'll have a wonderful friend back, if we're not as synchronised then we can go out separate ways, but at least we tried to stay friends.
I guess this sin't goodbye really, but it is for now, more like til we meet again my friend.
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