Saturday, 22 May 2010

This is how my mind works... seriously...

A list of things not worth writing a full blog bout :p

Whole new meaning to 'I just blew my diet'

Somebody... I assume a lonely medical student with too much time on his hands... among other things... internet access, and a list of free porn sites that make Heffs' bibliography look like a footnote... has discovered how many calories are in sperm. Who is that for really? You're on a diet, go out, have fun, and then suddenly you're not allowed that glass of wine?

Yes, more ad complaints

'I used to eat extremely sour yoghurt, and you could see that I wasn't happy about it?' - WHY EAT IT THEN!?!? Adverts are sooo annoying.

It just won't die!

Big brother is returning. Again. For another 'final series'. How many is that now? The 7th final ever series? Does anybody even watch it anymore? IT...JUST...WON'T....DIE... When the Earth is blown apart by nuclear weapons, the only thing left will be cockroaches and Big Brother. End it already, for my sanity.

Final thought

Supernatural portrayed heaven as each individuals best memories. However, I believe that if there were a God, which I know why people choose to believe, but I can't get behind any of those reasons, but if there were a God and a heaven it would be what we make of it, not a memory of a person, but the virtual equivalent of that person, exactly how we remember them projected into a person who we can actually interact with. How boring would it be spending eternity reliving the same moments? You'd go insane.

That's all for now.

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