Tuesday, 22 June 2010

From Mind To Screen.....

ERGH! Fucking emotional overload!

Ok, this is gunna be straight from my mind, it won't be funny, or clever, or thought provoking, but it will be genuine.

Katie isn't coming anymore, long story, maybe I'll tell people, maybe I won't, depends if I can be arsed. I understand completely, and don't mind at all, don't blame her for anything. But I can't deny it hit me pretty hard, mostly shock, a little disappointment, not in her, not in anything within either of our control either, but disappointment in a situation over which I have no control.

I had a convo with my parents, that drained me even more, an argument with the mother because she can't handle not controlling my life, and can't seem to see me as a young man and only sees her little baby, well I've said it before, I'm going to make mistakes and learn from them, I'm not going to learn from even half of her mistakes if I haven't been there myself. It's that simple.

Giulia's on my mind, vaguely though, interesting... Katie's on my mind, again, as always.... I want some crumpets, and need something to drink... I'm tired, cold-ish and cranky... my head hurts and I'm about ready to kill somebody.... there's the emotional overload, so I'm gunna eat and clear my head... Byee.

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