Saturday 14 August 2010

SBC - Suicide By Crabs

Interesting on the front page of the Sun today... yes, we get the sun, but only for the tv mag, tori shite...

Suicide by prostitute. Interesting, but personally I don't get it, he hung himself in the woods while they taunted him. If it was gunna be suicide by prostitute I'd want my moneys worth, I'd want to do things that would cost the whole bank account... which right now would only get her topless for 20 seconds.... but anyway, I'd have the full package, a line of girls ready to fuck me to death. If I wanted to pay somebody to hang me then I'd hire a hitman, at least they'd make sure you were dead and leave you to be found.

Right, now lets move on from morbidity and sexual deviancy before I get complaints.

I've quit uni now, maybe temporarily, maybe for good, I don't know, I don't have a plan for life, not a clue what I wanna do with myself, no long term career choice... and yet, I have never been happier... I'm free, I can do anything, I can just survive and sort myself out. And it feels amazing.

Anyway, have to go now, dog's going mental and I left dragon age running, byee.